‘Moy Park Miles’ is a collection of interviews that are showcasing some of our wonderful staff as they prepare for Belfast City Marathon this year (you might have heard we’re the title sponsor)!
Up next is the lovely Aislinn Joyce! Aislinn is Moy Park’s Recruitment Lead and she gives us the low down on how she’s getting prepared for the Belfast City Marathon.
Hey Aislinn, how are you? Tell us a bit about yourself
Of course! My name is Aislinn Joyce, I am 41 and I am the Recruitment Lead for Moy Park. I am very lucky to have been a part of the team for seven years.
Thanks for that. Are you doing the relay or the full marathon?
I’ll be running as part of a relay – the second leg to be exact. Still not a short one, it’s 7.4 miles!
Good luck for that! Any fun facts to share?
Well, I have 172 pairs of shoes – some, I am ashamed to admit, I have never even wore! Some pairs I’ll never wear again but there are some in the collection that I wish I had bought two pairs of!
We know who to come to if we need a shoe refresh in our wardrobe! As a shoe fan you must have a pair of trainers that help put away those miles when training?
Well, Nike Pegasus are my usual go-to, but I am considering running in my HOKAS for the marathon. Just waiting on the delivery arriving!
Belfast City Marathon is a great opportunity to raise money for charities. Are there any charities you are supporting this year?
I’ll be running for a Moy Park supported charity this year - Sands. A great cause.
A charity Moy Park are very proud to support. Any places or routes that you love running when training?
That’s a tough one because I really enjoy all the routes that my running buddies take me on. I would have to say my favourites are around the Lough Shore though.
Lough Shore seems to be a very popular running destination. Have you been following any plans or specific training guides to help prepare for the marathon?
I have kind of created my own plan. Usually I do a shorter run, between 5K and 10K, twice a week. Then, I will do a longer run every 5 to 6 weeks. I couple this with Hyrox classes, strength training and yoga weekly which helps.
That certainly is a comprehensive training plan! Any quotes that give you a boost when training?
The illustrious Billy Connolly said, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing”. So, I keep that in mind when I am having to run on those rainy days.
We’ll keep that in mind when leaving the house for a run. Do you listen to anything when you’re pounding the pavements?
When I am out with my running buddies, I’ll not usually be listening to music as I am chatting to them but if I am by myself, I get the old school iPod Nano and enjoy a variety of ‘classic’ tunes. Roxette is my favourite song in rotation currently!
Well, we’re off to find our old iPod Nanos. Thanks for taking the time to chat to us today, Aislinn. Wishing you all the best for your training and race day!
Want more marathon training tips and like getting to know our team? Make sure to check back next week to discover from Brenda to hear how she’s preparing for her great Belfast run!
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