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Moy Park Miles Blog – Sam

‘Moy Park Miles’ is a collection of interviews that are showcasing some of our wonderful staff as they prepare for all the Moy Park sponsored running events this year.

Get ready for our next interviewee – Sam McGrath! Sam is one of our Commercial Graduates and we have sat down with her to see how she is getting herself ready for the Moy Park Belfast City Women’s 10K this year.

Hey Sam, how are you? Tell us a little about yourself!

Hey there! My name is Sam McGrath, I am 23 and I work as a Commercial Graduate.

That is wonderful – good for you! We want to hear if you have any fun facts about yourself that you’d like to share?

I have one that involves my first name – and has always caused a few chuckles. Not only is my name Sam but my initials also spell out S.A.M. That one is always great to tell at parties.

That is brilliant! Now, we need to know, what trainers are your ride or die? The trainers that you simply couldn’t run a race without!

I have a pretty great collection of running trainers, but I simply couldn’t be without my ON Cloud Monsters. They’re an unbelievable running shoe – super comfy and super quick.

Nice – we have a few pairs of shoes like that. So, do you have any areas that you enjoy running in?

At this stage in my running training, I have an array of routes that I enjoy running in but, I have to say, anywhere where I find nature, I enjoy running. It could be up a mountain or by a pond, as long as I get to enjoy beautiful scenery, I am in running heaven.

We feel that – nothing like a scenic run! Have you been using any apps help you train ahead of the marathon?

I won’t lie, I am completely winging it as this stage. I am still recovering from Moy Park Belfast City Marathon, so will be taking it easy with long distances until the big event this Sunday.

That is understandable – you’ve done incredible running work already! Any quotes that motivate you when the miles feel tougher?

Something that I play through my head when I am starting to struggle is ‘When you feel like giving up, remember why you started’. This pushes me on to finish those harder training sessions.

We love this – what a great piece of advice. Any songs that you love to listen to when running?

Well, she’s in Belfast next week and she’s always on my rotation – Shania Twain’s ‘Man, I Feel Like A Woman’ always makes me run that little bit faster!

Shania is everything. We love her songs too! Do you have any meals that help you prep for running?

There is only answer here for me: mini fillet wraps! So delicious, so easy to make. I can meal prep them too, so lunches are fuelling and tasty!

Get you a lunch that does everything! Sam, thanks for taking the time to talk to us today. Wishing you all the best for your training and race day!



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