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Moy Park Chicken - Our Brand Values & Ethos
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Our Brand Values

Our Brand Purpose

Our number one goal and reason for being? To nourish and inspire every single home with delicious, quality chicken.

At Moy Park Chicken, we are committed to nourishing and inspiring every home, one meal at a time. We pride ourselves on our high standards of quality and service, with our customers, consumers and the market at the heart of what we do, always.

Our determination to go beyond for our customers, employees, suppliers, communities and the environment is what sets us apart from other companies.

Moy Park Chicken - Brand Values

Our Brand Values


We are defined by our heritage, the communities we come from, and the people we employ. We are proud of our purpose to nourish and inspire every household. And we stay true to that every day.


We are driven to produce the best quality, versatile chicken products, with standards and expertise that are matched by our accreditations and awards. We strive for continual improvement in our processes and production.


Our story began in 1943 as a small family business with a passion to succeed. Now as a nationwide brand, this passion remains. It’s something to protect, hand down, and preserve. We are built on our past, and focussed on an even better future. And better futures for the people we employ, and the customers who enjoy our products.


We value the trust and loyalty our brand inspires in our customers. We strive to always do the right thing and never take our place in the hearts and minds of customers for granted.

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